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The fourth South Eastern Australian FPTP is a professional training program designed to prepare you to become a Feldenkrais practitioner.
As we are striving for a well-balanced student body that represents the full range of human experience, specific prerequisites for entry are simply some prior experience with the Feldenkrais Method.
The Educational Director and program administrators will review applications and contact you to discuss your interest in the work as a profession, and the contributions you can make to the practice and development of the Method. We are committed to accepting people into this Feldenkrais Professional Training Program regardless of race, gender, religion, physical limitation, age, or sexual orientation. You will be notified within 30 days of application.
If you are accepted into the program, you will receive orientation information and a student enrollment agreement. This is a contract that specifies your rights and responsibilities as a participant in the program. To reserve your place in the training, sign the contract and return it, along with the deposit, within thirty days of notification.
To apply, please complete and submit the enclosed application form, along with the letters of recommendation, a clear photograph of yourself, and AUD$100 application fee. The application fee will be deducted from your tuition if you are accepted into the program. If you are accepted into the program and choose not to attend, your application fee is non-refundable. Should your referees prefer to send their references directly to us, please ask them to email to jenni@feldebiz.com.au references are not required to apply to review the training if you are already a Feldenkrais Practitioner.