ATM Lesson Synopses
A. Diagonal Push from Foot to hand, Rolling Arms Under Waist
1. Interlaced fingers over head on floor, stand one foot and push to roll, arms lengthen. Both sides
2. Same as before but with palms turned away. Both sides.
3. L hand palm down under waist, R arm by side on floor, both feet standing and push to roll L & R. Same with R hand overhead on floor.
4. Repeat with R hand under waist.
5. Both hands under waist, one on top of other. Legs crossed and tilting L & R. Cross legs both ways.
6. Repeat with other hand on top.
7. Cross leg tilting L & R with interlaced hands overhead on floor – palms facing away. Cross legs both ways.
8. Both hands under back, one leg long towards ceiling, moving leg L & R. Change over hand on top.
9. Legs long and spread, interlaced palms overhead on floor, facing away. Roll pelvis L & R.
10. Arms long and spread overhead on floor. Follow diagonal line from toe to hand through skeleton. Get image of whole.
B. Gentle Hand, Hanging, Floating, Turning, Waving
1. Lying. Lifting and hanging R wrist while forearm is vertical, elbow on floor.
2. Eyes closed, move and sense each finger separately.
3. R hand hanging and turning – rotating forearm.
4. R hand hanging, floating up towards ceiling – imagine wind lifting it from under elbow.
5. Leave R arm in air and do a pendulum movement R & L, then leave in middle and let shoulder blade lift and ‘fall’ to floor, tapping floor.
6. R arm in air, turning fingers back and forth, then stay in middle, and make pendulum with arm L & R again.
7. Bring thumb and little finger together. Straighten and bend other 3 fingers, while other 2 stay touching. Do with hand hanging and extended to ceiling.
8. Waving hanging hand while lift & lower elbow. Tapping floor with elbow.
9. R arm to ceiling, hand hanging down, making circle with R arm, then tapping R shoulder on floor.
10. Back of R hand on chest, fingers pointing down, elbow towards ceiling. Circles with elbow.
11. Stand. Feel differences between sides.
C. Rolling from Back to Stomach, Lengthening and Shortening Sides
1. Lying. R Foot standing, L arm overhead. Roll pelvis to L & back. Then R hip & shoulder lift at same time to roll L.
2. Same on other side.
3. On stomach, arms overhead. Lifting R hip rolling L, R knee & elbow bending.
4. On stomach, lifting R hip & shoulder, flexing R arm & leg, and rolling to l, lengthening L side.
5. Continue above movement to roll to back, belly extended and head lifted.
6. Repeat above sequence 1-5 on other side.
7. Full circle rolling, starting on back, and going to stomach – do to both L & R.
8. Rolling several times R, then L.
9. Half rolling one way then other – looking for differences. The quickly.
D. Sidelying Twist, Rocking between Top Arm and Leg
1. On R side, L leg in front of R, L arm to ceiling. Take l arm back, following with eyes. Continue until L knee lifts.
2. Take L arm back comfortable distance and make circles.
3. Same position – rolling head with R hand towards ceiling. Extend L leg forward & take L arm back to L. Rock between L arm & L leg touching floor.
4. Repeat 1-3 on L side.
5. On R side, L leg in front of R. Interlace hands behind head and roll to lean on one elbow then other.
6. Repeat on L side.
7. On R side, L leg in air making circles. Then L leg on floor in front, R hand behind head, head to ceiling. Lift head & R leg together.
8. Repeat on L side.
9. On R side, L leg in front of R, fingers interlaced behind head. Lift head, arms & legs.
10. Repeat on L side.
11. On R side, extending L heel forward and L arm back.
12. Repeat on L side.
E. Sidebending in Kneeling
1. Sit X legged and side bend R. Repeat with R hand on head, L hand on head & interlaced hands on head.
2. Repeat to other side.
3. Kneeling on L knee & R foot. L hand on Head bending L, then R hand on head bending L. Same thing with legs switched.
4. Same on other side.
5. Sit X legged, R hand on head. Bend to R & stay there. L hand slides along R forearm to elbow. Do other side.
6. Kneel on L knee & R foot, interlace hands on top of head & bend R. Then R hand/arm hangs to floor, L continues over top of head to R shoulder.
7. Same on other side, non habitual interlacing.
8. Kneeling on L knee & R foot, lean on L hand to l, R arm above head & bend R elbow to touch towards L shoulder. Take back of head towards L shoulder. Repeat with R hand making fist.
9. Same on other side.
10. Kneeling on L knee & R foot, lean on L hand to L, R arm to ceiling, & make circles with R hand/arm. Follow with head & looking with eyes. Eventually large horizontal circle.
11. Same on other side.
12. Kneeling on L knee & R foot, bend R & L. Interlace fingers on top of head & bend L & R, pelvis goes opposite. change legs and repeat.
F. Heel Circles
1. On back, spread legs. Imagine clock above R foot, horizontal to floor. Move foot clockwise, heel remains on floor, then counter-clockwise. Same on L foot.
2. On Stomach, hands on each other, forehead resting on hands. R knee bent, sole to ceiling. Circle heel, then take heel up/down. Same on L foot.
3. Change hand on top, bend R knee, take heel L & R. Same on L foot.
4. On back, stand feet, lean on R big toe, to take R heel L & R. Do same on L. Then do both together.
5. On stomach, knees bent, legs joined, separate heels, both at same time, then each separately.
6. On back, R foot circles – heel circle on floor and toe/foot circle in air in opposite directions ie one clockwise, other counter-clockwise. Change directions. Do same on L foot.
7. Do both feet at same time – same and opposite directions.
8. Stand, lean on R foot and make circles with heel of L foot, L toe stays on floor. both directions. Do same with other leg.
9. On stomach, R knee bent. Take R heel L & R, up & down. Same with L leg.
10. On stomach, R knee bent, R heel circles. Pay attention to relationship between heel & toe circles. Do same with L leg.
11. Do same with both feet and pay attention to toe/heel relationship during circles.
G. On stomach Tilting Bent Legs to Side, Reaching Back with lifted Leg.
1. On stomach, arms above head, knees bent and joined. Tilting R, L knee lifts, R arm lengthens.
2. Same as before, L ear on floor, elbows wide, hands on R ear. Tilt legs L. Track movement to R elbow & head. Lift R arm while tilting.
3. Repeat 1-2 on other side.
4. On stomach, L ear on floor, hands on R ear, tilt bent legs R. Stay with legs R & lift L leg back and to R & extend R arm.
5. Repeat on other side.
6. On stomach, R ear on floor, hands on L ear, tilt legs R and stay there. Lift R elbow then L elbow. Continue with alternating elbows then look with eyes to elbow you are lifting. then alternate lifting elbows as you tilt legs. Then lift both elbows as you tilt legs to R.
7. Repeat on other side.
8. On stomach, arms above head, tilt legs L & R to compare to beginning. Tilt R & lift L leg high, tilt L & lift R leg high.