Entries by Jenni Evans

Online Learning Activities Seg 9

Below find 2 compulsory activities plus your journal to do before next segment, and further ideas that you can continue to work with, either on your own, or within your study groups. The printable version is at the end. Much of what I have included below are simply questions/ideas to direct your learning. Use them […]

What is Neuroplasticity?

Since Dr Norman Doige released his best-selling book, The Brain that changes itself, back in 2007, neuroplasticity has been the big buzz word, but what does it mean? Neuroplasticity is often discussed in relation to people recovering from stroke, major injury, or chronic pain, in helping children with Cerebral Palsy and it also plays a […]

Segment 8 Learning Activities

SEAUS Year 2 Segment 8 Learning Activities Download /print seaus-year-2-segment-8-learning-activities Lessons: 07-side-lying-sliding-arms-and-legs-to-improve-ability-to-lift-head-on-side-gaby 10-shoulder-and-hip-circles-on-the-side-mia 11-on-the-back-lifting-hip-to-lengthen-opposite-arm-gaby 12-tilting-knee-on-back-connecting-to-arms-above-head-mia 14-diagonal-extension-of-arms-and-legs-on-back-and-stomachxs-on-back-mia Normally as this is the end of the year, and I realise that it is good to have a break at times, I would not be giving you any specific activities to do. However, as you have another ATM practicum with […]