Joint of the week roster
Joint of the Week When Who What October (15)- Melb Ray, Margaret Shoulder Sydney Trish, Shona, Deborah Shoulder Jan (1) Vaishali, Barbara, Priscilla Elbow Jan (3) Amanda, Fiona, Simon […]
Joint of the Week When Who What October (15)- Melb Ray, Margaret Shoulder Sydney Trish, Shona, Deborah Shoulder Jan (1) Vaishali, Barbara, Priscilla Elbow Jan (3) Amanda, Fiona, Simon […]
Year 2 seg 5 Learnining activitiesYou will once again find an overall ‘plan’ for you to undertake your learning between now and the next segment in April 2015. This includes 2 compulsory activities for you to do, PLUS your learning journal. The plan is to give you ideas to explore in different aspects of both […]
Hello to you all Sounds like you all had a wonderful segment of learning with Zoran and he inspired many of you in your ongoing learning. As it is the end of 1st year I feel you all deserve a formal break from your learning, therefore I am not including any compulsory activities for you […]
Brisbane 3 Seg 10 synopsis Year 4 Segment 10 5th – 23rd October 2015 Week 1& 2 – Stephanie Spink – Trainer Week 3 – Julie Peck – Trainer MONDAY 5 October 2015 INTRODUCTION FROM STEPHANIE Including some journal feedback from Janet that is discussed in the next activity. GROUPS OF 4 What […]
Julie Janet Jenni Humerus Ulna Radius Julian Erin Catherine Kim Grace Justine Nancy Jenny Kylie Naomi Jim Liz Olga Linda Mary Phil Lisa Roger Sarah Megan Susan Brian Rita Anna Bev A
SEAUS 1 Segment 3 Sydney (Please note that illustrations and photos are only visible in the downloadable file here) SEAUS Seg 3 Sydney Complete synopsis WEEK 1 Zoran Kovich (T), Jenni Evans (AT), Mary Sutherland (Tutor Practitioner) SUNDAY 14th June INTRODUCTIONS — Name and where from — What would you like to do with FM […]
SEAUS 1 Year 1 Segment 3 Learning Activities Downloadable file: SEAUS Segment 3 Learning Activities A large part of the learning activities between segments is to give you the opportunity to further deepen, refine & consolidate your learning & for you to clarify what you understand & what your questions are & what further clarification you […]
SEAUS 1- Melbourne segment 3 Week 1: 28th June to 3rd July 2015 Downloadable file: SEAUS 1 Melbourne Segment 3 Synopsis Day 1 -28th June Introduction: Stephanie What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person their human dignity” Moshe Feldenkrais · Discussion on learning and taking care […]
B3 YEAR 3 SEGMENT 9 LEARNING ACTIVITIES The online learning activities continue to be opportunities to further explore your learning on your own and with all your colleagues. Engage in your own experience/learning from the activities and please then share with your colleagues – your questions, comments, ideas …………….. There are no specific weekly activities […]
Year 3, Segment 9 Segment 9 B3 synopsis Week 1 – Zoran Kovich – Trainer 2 Days Week 1 – Janet Auret – Assistant Trainer 3 Days Weeks 2&3 – Julie Peck – Trainer MONDAY 1 June 2015 INTRODUCTION In Pairs 1. Walking holding hands – one person talking about what has been going […]