Latest Past Events

NSW, Clunes: Using your Dynamic Core

Two- day workshop with Janet Auret Physiotherapist and Feldenkrais Teacher We've all heard about the benefits of having a 'strong core' but for some, this becomes 'holding' or 'bracing their middle' in a way that is tight and restrictive.   We need our core to move well in all directions so we can change positions […]


Clunes Nth NSW: Feldenkrais Fundamentals

Clunes Old School Association Hall 17 Walker St, Clunes

Based on Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ popular book ‘Awareness Through Movement’, this innovative workshop offers an engaging and useful introduction to the Feldenkrais Method. Over 4 days you’ll have the chance to engage deeply with the essential ideas and concepts of the work. You’ll immerse yourself in Awareness Through Movement – giving you a much clearer […]


Your Place: The Everlasting Gardener – Week 1

Your Place

A sensible gardener takes care of his tools, A wise gardener takes care of his body as well. Please note change of dates   This workshop introduces you to some simple ways of reminding your body to move easily and safely.   As a young child you probably had a great deal of flexibility and […]
