Melbourne Synopsis Segment 3
SEAUS 1- Melbourne segment 3
Week 1: 28th June to 3rd July 2015
Downloadable file: SEAUS 1 Melbourne Segment 3 Synopsis
Day 1 -28th June
Introduction: Stephanie
What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies but flexible brains. What I’m after is to restore each person their human dignity” Moshe Feldenkrais
· Discussion on learning and taking care of yourself
· Think about “ human dignity” What does it mean to you?
· Self respect
· First year immersion in senses and process
1. Walk around the room notice what you sense
2. Notice where your attention is drawn to yourself, people around you, the room
3. Find something you are interested in, then something uninteresting
4. Begin to raise your right arm above your head How far do you go? Do you want to go the end point ?
5. What begins, what starts the movement: change of breath, eyes……..
6. Begin lifting arm and notice your feet
7. Gradually raise arm a little higher
8. Explore same idea with left arm
9. How is it different on this side?
ATM Amherst: Rolling to right and left /Holding hand to chin Part 1
After completion ATM return to standing-
1. Lift the right then left arm and feel the difference
2. Walk around notice the differences
Group Exercise – Introducing yourself through a question in groups of 4
· What question would you like to answer/ask?
· Think of a question that you can ask that might excite you or someone in the group.
· Come to a group consensus of which question you want to use then take turns in introducing yourself through the question.
Group discussion on learning between segments
What people enjoyed, what was frustrating, what was learnt
ATM – Amherst Rolling to right and left /Holding hand to chin part 2
After ATM reaching with right arm to ceiling and notice if more of you involved
Feedback and questions from this mornings ATMs
Discussion on; how we are 3 dimensional beings and how we have blind spots. Certain areas are not in our image during an ATM.
Small Group Exercise
1. Make a group of 3
2. Person (A) does the movement – brings hand behind head to opposite side of face. If comfortable bends forward taking elbow toward floor
3. Person (B) and Person (C) observe what is moving most and what is not moving in Person (A)
4. Person (B) chooses where they want to track the movement and places their hands on Person (A) tracking movement
5. Person (C) assists Person (B) in how they organize themselves in relation to Person (A)
6. Continue same process but expand movement to go down into side lying
7. Swap roles until everyone has had a go of each role
Group Exercise
1. Two groups join together to make a group of 6
2. Three people in sitting execute the movement of bringing hand behind head then rolling through side lying to lie onto their back
3. Three people observing are watching the: arc of elbow, arc of the pelvis, trajectory of head and the relationship of the head and pelvis in their movement
ATM- Amherst: Rolling to right and left Part 3/ Hand holding chin
Day 2- 29th June
Small Group Exercise -Rolling with hand holding the chin series
In small groups of 4 discuss
What purpose does the configuration (holding the chin) have?
· Learning how to organize yourself comfortably in this position
· Interrupt habitual organization
· Neurological aspect of crossing the midline- requires integration of left and right
· Moving head through space from elsewhere: pelvis, spine , ribs, legs
· Constraint-limits movement of cervical spine
· – engages other areas
· increasing 3D awareness by feeling hand on back of neck
· Freeing the pelvis.
· Moving proximal areas of torso to move other areas eg; shoulder
· Blind spot , when bring in other areas it can shift in movement and nervous system
· Change of orientation of eyes
· Increasing sensory motor experience-propioception
· Reduction of tonus throughout system
· Influence on vestibular system
· Bringing elbow in alignment of spine
· Unexpected outcomes
· 360 degree spatial awareness, kinesphere
ATM : Rolling to the right and left /hand holding chin part 3 rolling
Tilting legs from side to side in supine and sitting
Morning tea
Feedback with Jenni
1. How do you know how you feel?
2. What questions do you ask yourself so that you know you are doing something that is as useful it could be?
3. Brain makes sense of our sensations
4. We gather information that we make judgments on. Need to have intention, direction of where you would like to go. Then have comparison with where you are and where you would like to be. Analogy of rocket being fired to moon initially 98% time off track. As closer to moon more on track, finer adjustments need to be made.
5. Feedback works best when it is : In response to a question
About my experience
Relevant to what’s happening now
Helps make finer distinctions
When doing hands on work
1. Ask a question – where would you like to touch gives direction of what we are looking for
2. Ask person with a question- When I put my hand here is it clear? Colleague can give you helpful information
3. Questions are often general which elicit a general reply
4. Make questions relevant to the context so that you can make finer distinctions
5. You could ask about, and/or observe: pain, pressure, Resistance, Breathing, smooth/ jerky, reversibility, tightness, options of pathway, availability of movement of yourself/othe, distribution of movement, contact with ground, connectivity, facial expressions, movement contractions
1. Please do not allow your partner to hurt you
2. Allow your colleague to have a useful learning experience
3. Ask for feedback-Find ways to prompt person to give feedback
4. Give feedback to each other so that you can both learn safely, comfortably and effectively
5. Ask partner how they are feeling before you start working
6. If there is something that is not available do not try and make it move ask what is going on
Small group exercise
1. Make a group of 4 ,
2. 2 people take role of (A) and lie on their side
3. Partners taking role f practitioners (B) place support under the head of (A) lying on floor to make them comfortable
4. (B) doing exploration feel how you are sitting
5. (B) shift your attention between yourself self and your partner(A)
6. Contact (A)’s shoulder how do you organizing yourself
7. (A) gives feedback to partner making contact
8. (A) moves their shoulder forward and backward (B) tracks the movement
9. (A) gives feedback on where, how (B) using their hands
10. (B) who is tracking movement can give feedback to (A) doing the movement Eg: could you please go slower or faster
11. Repeat same process with other person lying on floor in side lying
Discuss what it was like giving feedback, getting feedback, asking for feedback
Swap roles
Larger group exercise- 2 groups join together
Discuss your experience of previous exercise
ATM- combination of AY109 plus remaining holding the chin series flopping legs to side from standing , side sitting side to side via all 4s
ATM- Amherst Rolling to right and left Part4 (standing to sit facing the front with legs crossed)
Whole group observing- Examples of:
· Swiveling to sitting cross legged
· Sweeping arms over head coming to side sitting swapping legs and going down to lying through other side
Small group exercise
Watch people doing movement and look at the arc/trajectory of the pelvis
Day 3- 30th June
ATM Amherst Tilting the knees part 1 and 2
Whole group exercise
1. Move to a different place notice how you do it
2. Talk about movement in different ways
3. Action has 3 components: Timing Orientation Manipulation
Eg : Reaching cup- how you Orientate to cup, Timing you use to bring it to mouth Manipulation is how organize yourself to do the movement
4.ATM use TOM to make distinctions
5.Perceivables- what you feel, sense in an ATM
Small group exercise
1. Create a group of 3 with 2 other people you haven’t worked with as yet.
2. One person does movement on floor 2 observe movement and confer together what they observe
3. How does someone do a movement that gives you information on aspects of TOM Example: Lie on your back and cross your legs left leg over right
4. How do you describe the relationship of the feet to the body
5. Orientation is relationship to space can be within self or relationship to external
6. Tilt knees to the left observers discuss what they notice
7. Does it have anything to do with timing orientation manipulation
8. Timing- pelvis moves first
9. Manipulation -Movement along spine connected to head
10. Developing a framework so as we can describe and discuss what is useful for someone to learn
Swap over
Feedback from whole group of what was observed
Timing Orientation Manipulation
· Position of foot in relation to midline effected the movement
· Relationship pelvis to ground-orientation
· Relationship of pelvis to self – tilted
· Relationship foot to pelvis
· Knee leading movement- initiation
· Pelvis movement to thoracic to head – sequence of the movement (has a certain direction)
· Speed or pause
· Coordination relationship of parts, timing of parts moving
· Correlation between orientation and organization
· Planes of movement- table, wheel, door
· Pathway- direction through space
· Size of movement
· Surface foot resting on has effect on movement- change the environment (floor surface), timing of foot depends if floor fast or slow, how organize self in relation to environment (floor)
· Relationship to ground
· Effort
Quality of masterful movement
· Effortless,
· Coherent
· Smoothness
· Harmonious.
· Timing
· Entire self involved
· Inclusive attention
· Elements of self organization
Whole group exercise
1. Sit and change position
2. Now imagine sitting by a client whose shoulders you are going to touch How would you sit to touch the person?
3. What is the availability of using your arms within space/kinesphere?
4. Have you freedom to move in all directions?
5. Change position and feel how it affects arms
6. Is your pelvis free to move in all directions allowing you to reach in more directions?
7. Do you feel the ground, stability base of support?
8. Change your organization to accommodate the height of the person lying
9. Is your spine lengthened?
10. Are you organizing yourself to sit on sit bones?
11. Pelvis is like a submarine/power, spine like a periscope and eyes like the top of a periscope. Pelvis free, spine long and arms free
Small Group Exercises
Exercise A
1. In groups of 3 help each other find comfortable/dynamic in sitting organization – as if you want to move a client in FI
2. When all sitting, face each other – link/layer hands so stacked up on each other move hands and feel how you can move pelvis, the length of your spine and freedom of your head – how you access space
Exercise B
1. How can you/do you move from one end of the mat to the other- crawl,
pelvis shuffle?
2. Find comfortable position
3. Imagine someone lying on mat and you want to move around them
4.Explore moving around, pause find a comfortable position
5.Rest, feel contact with floor
ATM – Rolling head with on hand and between the hands (3 variations)
Individual and Partner Practice
1. Blow up balloon and use it as a pretend head
2. In sitting place balloon as if head
3. Make contact with the balloon with one hand explore the pressure you use
4. Right hand fingers to left as you roll head
5. Different contacts: contour like melted cheese or soft flat hand. Feel what gives you more freedom of movement
6. Change hands and change how you are sitting
7. Partner up, one person lie down with knees bent feet on floor
8. Person taking role as practitioner sits at the person’s head
9. First watch person roll their head
10. Person sitting bring one hand to forehead and go along for the ride
11. Explore use of hand
12. Can you follow them with your pelvis, adjust position
13. Swap over and discuss with your partner
ATM Amherst video Moshe 2nd July
– Crossing the knees/ Tilting crossed legs part 1
Day 4- 1st July
ATM continuation of Moshe
Stephanie revisited ATM then continued watching Video
Stephanie- rolling of head with on person lying with legs long and then with knees bent
Small group exercise 4-5 people in group
1. Reflect for yourself what was meaningful for you in Moshe’s talk
2. When ready discuss in group
Whole group discussion on what was discussed in small group
· Approaches to knowledge
· Use of story and metaphor
· Original ideas- where do they begin, we all have potential to be original
· Moshe challenging perceptions, provoking people to self learn, to have greater choice
· Self learning is empowering
· Perturbing people to live more fully
· Speransky influenced Moshe
· Systems thinking
· How would flexible thinking and being aware that we have options can effect society
· People are similar to each other in primitive functions
· Greater difference between people in higher functions such as music, mathematics
· Awareness gives ability to choose, to be non habitual
· Behavior is contextual
· Curiosity is important in learning
Morning tea
Partner Practice- Rolling the head
Demonstration of how to organize yourself in relation to person whose head you are going to roll, considering how you can sit to enable you to move your pelvis, have a long spine, head and arms free, breathing.
Find the same partner from yesterday
1. Observe person lying, how their head is resting-is it parallel to floor or tilted backward, where does the chin point, is the head rolled
2. Provide support under your head if required
3. Notice position person has chosen to have their legs, start in this leg position
4. Guess which way person is going to roll their head
5. Ask person to roll their head
6. Place your hand on their forehead and go for a ride as person rolls head
7. Roll their head with hand in the 3 variations(hand like melted cheese, rolling contact, same contact )
8. Ask person to change legs into 2 other configurations and see how it effects rolling of the head.
In group of 4 discuss the process
Whole group feedback on exercise from small groups before lunch
· Space inside body as moving
· Differentiation of movement
· Movement shapes
· Patterns of movement
· Sense of power, effortlessness
· Jerky, hesitation
· Arcs of movement
· Symmetry
· Relationships; shoulder blade to pelvis, head to pelvis, eyes to hand
· Distances
· Environment
· Attention orientation-internal/ external
ATM Amherst Crossing the knees/Tilting the crossed legs part 2
Small group exercise
Group of 4
2 people do movement – 2 people observe
Part A
1. People moving cross right leg over left, arms form triangle toward ceiling
Move everything right and left
2. Observers look at movement in terms of TOM distinctions made yesterday
3. What aspects of two partners have similarities in how they are moving and what differences do you notice?
4. Observers discuss together what they saw
5. Swap over and repeat the process
Part B
1. Observers go for a ride on partners one at a time and feel how they are doing the movement
2. How can you organize yourself in relationship to your partner so that you don’t interfere with their action change partner
Part C
1.Discuss as group of 4 what you observed in terms of TOM distinctions and new distinctions
Day 5-2nd July
ATM – AY (Alexander Yonai) 119 Frog Legs with the arch
Small group exercises
Groups of 4
1. 2 people lying on backs with knees up to the ceiling
2. Explore the movement of opening the leg and sliding leg long
3. First do movement allowing your pelvis to move
4. Observers note the trajectory of the leg, coordination, length of spine, speed of the movement,
5. People lying on their backs now do the movement keeping the pelvis still
6. Observers note what differences in trajectory, coordination and speed of the movement
Continuation of ATM AY119
Small groups
1. Go back into previous group and repeat the exercise
2. Two people lie on floor knees bent up to ceiling open one leg out and slide it along floor repeat with the other leg
3. Observers notice trajectory, speed of movement
4. Take a few moments and discuss experience of lesson
Whole group
Comments and discussion about lesson
Demonstration with skeleton
Outline of places where pelvis articulates and muscles of the pelvis and abdomen
ATM: Amherst Rolling the fists part 1
Partner practice:
· Looking at organization of legs in standing so able to sit on partners knee
Group Exercise
Make 3 groups and discuss the first R (Resilience) in terms of your learning between segments and in your life
Day 6-3rd July
Partner exercise on shoulder girdle
1. One person (A) takes role of doing the movement Person (B) observes and users their hands to explore the movement
2. (B) watch person (A) doing various arm movements
3. (B) place hands on shoulder blade of (A) and go for a ride, track movement do not interfere with movement
4. (A) reach in one direction that it is easy and repeat several times
5. Rest
6. Explore same process in sitting
7. (B) explore how to sit in relation to (A)
8. (B) follow the movement of the shoulder blade as (A) moves arm
9. (B) choose some other places you would like to touch, pelvis, ribs, head
10. (B) observe what shapes (A) making, the pathway of the scapular in relation to the ribs
11. (A) lie on your side; hips and knees at right angle
12. (B) organize yourself in relation to your partner
13. (B) observe if (A) needs a head support, if yes provide support
Demonstration on person in side lying showing the organization of the legs and the height of head
· Hips and knees at right angle offer greatest base of support
· Support between legs can bring pelvis into neutral position
· Midline of face parallel to floor
· Neck in line with spine affords more movement possibilities
Continuation of partner practice
14. (A) return to side lying (B) provide supports as demonstrated
15. (B) sit comfortably so you have freedom of movement in pelvis and arms
16. (B) make contact with hands on scapular
17. (B) map out the shoulder girdle: scapular and clavicle
18. (B) talk to (A) about your contact and pressure you are using, adjust if needed
19. (B) How can organize yourself to explore the shoulder girdle that helps (A) to listen to themselves
20. Finish
21. Return to sitting and (A) reach as you did at beginning and feel the difference
22. (A) Come up to standing and reach with both arms observe differences
23. Swap roles
Morning tea
ATM- Amherst: Rolling the fists part 2
Small group exploration
1. Groups of 4
2. 2 people do one of the variations from the lesson
3. Observers look at the shift of weight, the initiation of movement and transmission of movement through the body
4. Observers can use their hands to make distinctions
5. Swap over
6. Discuss then repeat the process again
Discuss in large group
Talk on Practice Development by Jenni
· What do you think people in your community are needing and wanting?
· What is important to you in your life?
Make Group of 4 or 5 and discuss and feedback to whole group
1. Is there anything that Feldenkrais can contribute to?
2. What would you be wiling to change to have what you want?
3. Listen to people and what they think they want
4. Over weekend listen to clues what people want
ATM Diagonal pressing and lifting combination of Amherst ATM
ATM – Diagonal Pressing and lifting cont. Review of week
Week 2: 6th July to 11th July 2015
Day 1 -6th July
Whole Group – TOM putting descriptors into categories
· Faster- Slower
· Where
· What
Physical/Emotional Flow
· Jerky- smooth
· Interrupted-continuous
· Hesitant
· Pause
· Rhythm
Orientation / Space
Trajectory- pathway through space
Relationship to ground
Spatial Orientation
Self Organization (Manipulation)
Pattern of movement- body/skeletal
· Rotating(turning)
· Twisting
· Opening/ extension
· Folding/flexion
· Side bending/lateral flexion
· Shape
· Symmetry
· Volume around body
· How much
· Within body
· Effort- effortless
· Power
· Harmonious
· Graceful
· Congruent pattern
· Coherence
Morning tea
ATM- Essalon 22- shoulder movements
Demonstration on skeleton followed by group of 3 exercise
1. Movement from previous ATM reaching the arm
2. Person (A) in side lying with hips and knees bent to 90 degrees, support under head
3. Person (B) sitting in front of person,
4. Person (C) sitting behind
5. (A) does movement of reaching/sliding their arm forward
6. (C) puts hand on shoulder blade and tracks the movement
7. (B) positions themselves for moving (A)’s arm
8. (B) begins moving the arm forward using their arms (B) then explores involving their pelvis in the movement (A) feels the difference
9. (C) tracks the movement from the scapular, and other places involved in the movement
10. (A) changes position of their legs eg: straighten legs
11. (A) (B) and (C) repeat the process with the legs in new position sensing the difference the leg position makes to the arm movement
12. (B) explores where arm moves easily moves arm in different trajectories
13. Swap roles until everyone has been in every position
14. Discuss for 5 minutes in your group want you experienced.
Demonstration followed by partner practice in groups of 4
1. Two people take role of (A) and lie on floor 2 people take role of (B) the practitioner
2. (A) lie on your back and observe how shoulder blades in contact with floor
3. (B) explores outlining the scapular, clavicle (shoulder girdle)
4. Distinction made between home and neutral position of where person’s shoulder may rest and how this will effect the availability of where the shoulder can move
5. (B) looks what directions appear easy and moves the shoulder
6. (B) Are you moving from your arms or pelvis? (A) Can you feel the difference if (B) is using their arms only or involving their pelvis in the movement?
7. (B) How much of (A) do you have in your hands?
8. (B) Does it make a difference if you think of the ground?
9. (B) repeats the process on the second (A)
10. (A) and (B) swap roles
ATM- Alexander Yonai AY3 – Rolling to sit with the elbows
Day 2- 7th July
Scan of spine -feeling the back, front how wide sense the volume of the spine
Demonstration of spine on skeleton
· Showing difference in size of the different vertebra
· How the spine connects head and pelvis
· Curves of spine are moveable
· Spine not straight but has curves, gives strength
· Pelvis for power, head carried above flexible spine – free teleceptors
ATM Pelvic clock part 1 and 2
DVD –The backwards brain bicycle –you tube
ATM Pelvic Clock 2 (combination of Amherst/Alan Questal ) sitting
Embedded self exploration of changing orientations and relationships of pelvis, spine, ribs and head
Practice Development- Jenni Evans
Traditional approach
1. What is my business?
2. What are my products and services?
3. What channels of communication are available?
If you know the above customers will come
Examples of businesses that used this approach:
1. Swiss watches highest quality watches until Japanese started producing and took over the market
2. Typewriters replaced by computers
3. Kodak one of biggest manufacturers of film tried to restructure and nearly went bankrupt
Above had to change thinking from the product or service to what people need
Flexible Approach
1. Swiss came up with the swatch watch recognized people want different things from their watches – a jewelry item, sporting watch, waterproof watch for swimming
2. IBM- selling computers as they recognized people wanted to use a flexible platform
3. Kodak realized that they are in the image business Kodak shifted focus to creating images that people see things via different solutions
How can I meet this persons needs?
· Listen observe what people want how can frame offer
· Someone with back pain acknowledge their pain and then shift them to something they are interested in learning: golf, going out with friends . playing with the grandkids
· Ask what is it that is going to make a difference in your life
In pairs have a conversation starting to ask these questions or something similar to:
· What would you like more of?
· What do you most miss?
· If you had, that what would that mean to you?
· What causes you pain?
· What’s that like for you?
· How does that affect your life?
· What would be different if it was gone? What would that be like for you?
Demo with skeleton – Pelvis – shapes, function, bony handles
In pairs explore the following landmarks of the pelvis in side lying
· Iliac crest
· PSIS posterior superior iliac crest
· ASIS anterior superior iliac crest
· Ischium
· Greater trochanter
Other areas demonstrated sacroiliac joint
· Pubic bone
· Coccyx
The backwards brain bicycle – you Tube
ATM Amherst pelvic clock # 3
Day 3- 8th July
ATM- Lesson 1 Awareness Through Movement book
Small group exploration
1. Group of 4 people with 4 chairs
2. Organize chairs so 2 people sit opposite 2 people,
3. (A)s sit side by side and have role of doing movements
4. (B)s take role of observes and practitioners
5. (A) sit forward on chair (B) can stand, move around to notice how (A) is sitting, notice distance of feet from chair, distance between feet, relationship between feet and knees, shape of (A’s) spine, position of (A’s) head relative to their pelvis
6. (B) sit in front of (A)
7. (A) come to standing and sit down again and return to sitting
8. (B) observe different relationships as (A) comes up to standing. What happens to their knees as they come to standing do they get closer together or further apart? What shape do they make between their head and pelvis? How does (A)’s head move through space?
Is it one continuous movement or does the speed vary?
9. (B) bring your chair closer and in front of (A) so that you can bring 1 or 2 hands to (A)’s knee. Which hand goes to which knee? How do you make contact? Use your hand to give information through the knee of where their foot is in relation to the ground, try different positions of your hand
10. (B) explore how you could feel their pelvis through the thigh, use one hand or both hands (B) can you sense your own breathing
11. Rest
12. (B) Bring hand to one leg and see if you can make a small oscillation of the knee, observe the size of the oscillation and how it connects to different bones, skeleton. Try different hand positions: one hand either side of knee, one hand on top of knee one hand touching both sides of knee
13. Repeat same idea with other leg
14. Whichever leg it is easier to create oscillations continue with that leg
15. (B) feel how the oscillation is effected when (A) :
· rolls pelvis backward so lower back rounded
· rolls pelvis forward so lower back arched
· finds the highest point of sit bone
· brings feet close to chair so heels off the ground
· puts feet further away from chair
· brings feet underneath their knees so lower leg is more vertical
· brings feet closer together
· puts feet further apart so feet wider apart than your knees
· brings feet closer so knees wider apart than feet
17 (B )move chair away from (A) sit comfortably at front of chair and explore coming up to standing. Can you keep arms hanging?
18 (B) organize yourself to oscillates legs of (A)so that you don’t interfere with (A) as they come to comes to standing
19 (A) and (B) discuss experience
20 Maintain roles but swap partners repeat the process with the second (A)
21 Switch roles and repeat process
22 Repeat process on second partner
23 In group of 4 discuss what you learnt and your experience
ATM Amherst Pelvic Clock part 4
Demonstration of movement on skeleton and observation of 3 people doing the movement
Partner practice doing movement
· I person tilting pelvis side to side partner tracking movement
· Swap roles
Continue ATM Amherst pelvic clock
Small group exercise
1.Return to groups of 4 as before lunch
2.Two people make a circle with their pelvis and two people watch
3.People watching look for circulatory of pelvis, shape of the spine
4.Put your hands on a person doing the movement do the movement hands on pelvis then onto ribs
5.Partner doing movement feel if your partner is tracking the movement or leading
6.Partner following movement how important is it for you to use your pelvis
7.Give each other feedback
8.Swap roles
DAY 4-9th July
Partner practice in standing
(1) Partner (B) stand behind partner (A) and place your hands on (A)’s pelvis
(2) (B) use your hands to track the movement as (A) moves side to side
(3) (B) continue to use your hands to track (A)’s movement as they move forward and backward
(4) (B) move (A) side to side, are you doing the movement from your hands or are you moving from your pelvis
(5) (B) move (A) a little forward and backward
(6) (B) feel what is happening to (A) Does (A) change shape as you move them?
(7) (A) In standing move yourself left and right, a little forward and backwards
(8) (A) feel movement of yourself in space what is happening above and below pelvis
(9) Leave it and lie on your back
ATM Pelvic Clock Amherst Pt 5
Partner Practice in standing
(1) Return to partners from this mornings exploration and swap roles
(2) Discuss with each other your experience both as partner (A) and (B)
Morning tea
Small Group exercise
Observing and feeling how a person organizes their pelvis when legs in different positions
(1) Make a group of 3
(2) One person lie on floor (A)
(3) (B) and (C) observe the effect of different leg positions on the pelvis and it’s relationship to the spine
(4) (A) lie firstly with legs long
(5) (B) and (C) look and feel how the pelvis of (A) is lying in relation to their spine
(6) (B) and (C) extend your attention above and below the pelvis of (A) , observing and feeling the effect of the position of the pelvis on structures above and below the pelvis
(7) If (B) or (C) are using hands on (A) What question are you asking?
(8) (A) bend knees and bring feet to floor
(9) (B) and (C) repeat process above i.e. Points (5) to (7)
(10) (A) come to sitting with soles of feet together leaning on hands behind
(11) (B) and (C) repeat process above i.e. Points (5) to (7)
(12) (B) an (C) can confer about their observations briefly
(13) Swap roles until each person has been observed in lying
(14) When finished discuss in group your observations about the relationship of the pelvis
Feedback from groups to whole group
Distinctions that help clarify the orientation of the pelvis
· Position of feet
· Underneath the legs
· Position of the head
· Distribution of weight
· Distance between ribs and pelvic rim
· Arch of back
· Weight of hands
· Contra- lateral relationships
· Level of shoulders
· Orientation of nose to head
· Homo-lateral relationships
· Directions –to midline
-left and right
· Distance to floor
· Thoracic twist
· Position, relationship ASIS to ?
· Stability in different positions
· Muscle tension
· Length of legs
Small group exercise- Exploring movements of the pelvic clock
(1) Return to your groups of 3
(2) (B) place your hands to contour on the anterior of pelvic rim of partner (A) who is lying on the floor
(3) (B) to help you find the pelvic crest you can ask (A) to put their hands on their pelvic crest and then put your hands on top of theirs. (A) then removes their hands so (B) hands contour on pelvis rim
(4) (B) make contact so you can feel the ground underneath the pelvis
(5) (B) go for a ride on (A)’s pelvis as (A) moves pelvis from 12-6 and 3-9
(6) (B) find out what directions (A)’s pelvis moves easily in terms of numbers and orientation of clock
(7) (B) How are you sitting ? Are you free to move in the direction that you are asking person to make?
(8) Swap roles until everyone has had a go
(9) Discuss in small group
ATM- Pelvic clock on all 4’s Source AQ/RD New York
DVD (number 2) Moshe giving Jonathon a FI
(1) Look at DVD and notice how Moshe relates to Jonathon
(2) Moshe talking to Jonathon and not his mother, one of the first times Jonathan acknowledged as an individual
(3) Look at Moshe’s self use in the FI
(4) What ATM elements are used in the FI?
Discuss DVD lesson in groups of 4
ATM- Alexander Yonai 179 To Weld By Breathing
Day 5-10th July
ATM Standing with legs crossed Source: Larry Goldfarb
Partner Practice
(1) In standing one person (A) moves, other person (B) uses their hands
(2) (A) stand with both legs apart move pelvis forward and back, left and right and make circle
(3) (B) bring hands to support head of (A) from either in front or behind
(4) (B) finds a way to contour hands so that you follow the movement of (A) and feel what their head does.
(5) (B) increase the contact so head is invited to stay still whilst (A) continues their movement
(6) (A) pause and cross one leg in front of the other and repeat the process of moving pelvis in this position
(7) (B) feel what happens to head and spine do they move together or not
(8) (A) uncross legs and sit on chair repeat process of moving pelvis whilst (B) track movement, then (B) hold (A)‘s head still and repeat the process
(9) Swap partners
(10) Discuss what it was like to keep the head still from the perspective of both roles I.e. the person doing the movement and the person holding the head.
(11)Feedback to whole group
Demonstration on skeleton followed by partner practice
(1) Make person comfortable on back
(2) Look at position of legs of person lying down. Place roller under knees if lower back is arched or uncomfortable. Roller can decrease lower back pain
(3) Look at head of person lying and relationship to floor Do they need head support?
(4) Demonstration of rolling the head and shoulder movements
Partner Practice 1 (Part A) -Rolling the Head
(1) (B) Organize yourself in sitting by (A)’s head to explore rolling the head
(2) (B) roll (A)’s head and observe pathway of the head of moving
(3) (B) roll (A)’s head with hand as a board, if hand is unsteady use other hand to hold fingers of hand rolling to help support the hand in this position, your hands will form a ring.
(4) (B) Notice how you are using yourself. How are you using your pelvis? Need to use your pelvis to roll head. (B) can you feel the ground as you roll the head?
(5) (B) ask partner for feedback
(6) (A) can you feel if (B) is using their arm or pelvis to roll your head
(7) Turning the head is different to rolling the head. Turning the head, the head slides on the floor. Rolling head , action is between head and floor whilst head moving. Turning head turns first rib, sternum and scapula
(8) (B) what do you sense?
(9) (B) continue on to (part B) shoulder exploration
Partner Practice- 1(Part B) Exploring the shoulders
(1) (B) ask (A) to move one shoulder in one direction eg: forward
(2) (B) Go for a ride as (A) moves one shoulder in one direction
(3) (A) repeat movement with other shoulder (B) go for a ride
(4) (B) adjust how you use yourself to observe the movement
(5) (B) change where you put your hands and continue going for a ride
(6) (B) Outline the line of the clavicle, top of arm bone, scapular
(7) (B) How can you conform your hands to clarify the structures for (A) then go for a ride
(8) Swap roles and repeat both; head rolling and shoulder exploration
(9) On completion discuss exploration together
Movement Analysis Exercise
Part 1- In groups of 3
Select 2 elements from each category of TOM – list 6 elements
Define each element in a way that makes sense to you
Write this down
What would you be looking for when observing this?
Part 2 Thinking of all ATMs you have done this segment choose a movement from any ATM that illustrates each element that you have chosen
Be prepared to show all 6 examples (and your reasons for choosing each)
Write down a movement from an ATM that describes each of your elements
Part 3 Tomorrow you will show this to whole group
Whole group feedback on head rolling and shoulder girdle exploration
Partner Practice 2 -Exploration of head rolling and shoulder girdle
(1) Same guidelines as this morning with a new partner then continue with new exploration
(2) Partner (B) support head of (A) so you have access to their neck
(3) (B) can you give (A) a sense of their neck where their spine touches the floor exploring the shape, texture, support for the curve of the neck
(4) (B) check in with (A) asking for feed back
(5) (B) explore either side of spine, bring a sense of support to the neck, take time to feel your breathing and the texture of (A)’s muscles
(6) (B) explore bony landmarks on scapular that you can use to guide the shoulder forward. If forward direction difficult find an easy direction
(7) Use hand to bring support behind shoulder and find what directions are available
(8) (B) as one shoulder is moved feel the connection to the other shoulder
(9) swap roles
Afternoon tea
Demonstration on skeleton discussing the ribs
(1) Every rib has 5 joints 3 with the spine and two with the sternum
(2) This creates possibility of a lot of movement in the chest
(3) Ribs can:
-side bend fold on one side expand on the other
-twist and turn throughout thorax
-fold down in front – flexion
-lifting of sternum and closing down back –extension
(4) Movement in small different ribs causes different mobility
(5) Breathing can effect the volume of the ribs and movement
ATM Breathing welding the breath
Day 6- 11th July
Make 3 groups –
Discuss resourcefulness – meaning for you, in life, in relation to your learning activities between segments
ATM Pelvic clock Part 5 Cont. Amherst
Discussion of pelvis and head relationship
· Head organized above spine so can easily access space
· Pelvic clock moving pelvis in relation to legs
· Spine rigid, head and spine move in opposite directions
· Dynamic balance, central axis, small base of support, high centre of gravity
ATM – Lying in X Lengthening through diagonals, roll from back to front to back FW
Movement analysis exercise continued from yesterday
(1) In groups of 3 complete exercise that you started yesterday
(2) Each group shows examples from ATMs this segment
ATM- Rocking and rolling in various configurations AY 417/325
Holding feet/ankles rolling to back, to other side and up to sit.
Observe 4 people doing together