Segment 4 Learning Activities – End of first year

Hello to you all
Sounds like you all had a wonderful segment of learning with Zoran and he inspired many of you in your ongoing learning.
As it is the end of 1st year I feel you all deserve a formal break from your learning, therefore I am not including any compulsory activities for you to do before the next segment. Do I hear a sigh of relief from some of you……………….
The ability to engage, disengage and re-engage with learning is a skill that we can all continue to explore, both within segments, between segments and as an ongoing practice through our lives. How reversible is this process in ourselves? We all need to take care of ourselves, and have different priorities taking our attention in different ways and at different times in our lives. How can we explore and how we engage with learning specifically in terms of exploring our Feldenkrais practice. What is the relationship between quality and quantity in our engagement in our learning?
Learning happens on many levels, as you are probably becoming more aware of. We learn with all of us – our feelings, our sense of self, our thinking about ourselves, how we interact with the world around us, and how we move in relationship to our world. Much of this is happening below conscious level, and it is only when we have those moments of awareness that we notice something is different, that we become aware of the changes on many levels that are occurring. New or more complex relationships become apparent to us…..sometimes we need to ‘dig them out’ with attending to our process, and sometimes they simply emerge to surprise us. Both ways are valuable ways of learning, and we need to trust that learning is happening even if it is not our normal way of sorting for ‘knowing that we are learning’.
I would absolutely encourage you to continue to explore your learning, especially within the realms that you outlined for yourself at the end of the last segment of ‘steering to stay on the road’…….. my main advice would be to continue your ATM exploration – with curiosity, interest, attention, and maybe a smile!
It can also be interesting to allow some time at the end of this first year to find a place to reflect on your journey over the past year, this can simply be in the realm of your felt experience, or it may take your reflection to another level to be able to put it into words for yourself. What comes to mind? What had meaning for you? How would you describe your process to another person?
However take a good break as well. You deserve it.
I look forward to seeing all of you in January in the second and third weeks of the segment and continuing to be a part of your learning journey.
All the best