The Feldenkrais Institute of Australia was established to provide innovative, high quality, practical Feldenkrais training.
Our intentions are:
- to provide programs that stimulate your learning processes in a creative way
- to provide trainers who are not only skilled in the Feldenkrais Method, but also in teaching it to others in ways that are clear and relevant;
- to provide an environment which supports you in learning easily and comfortably; and
- to provide a friendly and efficient response to your questions and concerns.
The program Director is
Jenni Evans, Certified Assistant Trainer,MAFG, Dip. Com. Eng., NLP Trainer
Jenni graduated in 2001 from the 2nd Melbourne Professional Training Program. Her background is in Engineering, management, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Educational Design and business consulting.
Jenni has been designing and presenting training to public, corporate and individual clients for some 40 years. She has been active in the International Feldenkrais Federation and the Australian Feldenkrais Guild, serving on the National Council. She convened the 3rd Australian Feldenkrais Conference in 2003. She maintains a diverse practice and is committed to excellence in the teaching of the Feldenkrais Method.