Entries by Jenni Evans

Segment 7 Learning Activities

SEAUS Year 2 Segment 7 Learning Activities As you know many of you will be able to be accredited as ATM teachers after the next segment. To become an ATM teacher requires a certain level of competency – a level that we as the educational team will assess as a ‘starting/beginning’ level for you to […]

Segment 4 Synopsis

SEAUS 1 Year 1, Segment 4 Melbourne: 25 October to 1 November 2015 Teaching team: Zoran Kovich, Jenni Evans, Lisa Campbell Download Printable versions SEAUS 1 Yr1 S4 Melbourne synopsis SEAUS 1 Yr1 S4 Sydney synopsis SUNDAY 25/10/15 INTRODUCTION Learning how to learn is primary ATM. Improvements in movement are a “prize” for tending to […]

AFG Divisional Library Access

QLD : At the moment Nancy Hunter is our librarian nhunt13@eq.edu.au NSW: Our library is open on the Saturdays of the Forum, ie usually the first Saturday in the month. Zoran has command of the library. zorankovich@yahoo.com.au VIC /TAS: Tamara Diner is Librarian at dinegold@hotmail.com to inquire about borrowing items from the library and get […]

ATM Lesson Synopses

ATM SYNOPSES A. Diagonal Push from Foot to hand, Rolling Arms Under Waist 1. Interlaced fingers over head on floor, stand one foot and push to roll, arms lengthen. Both sides 2. Same as before but with palms turned away. Both sides. 3. L hand palm down under waist, R arm by side on floor, […]