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But we are proud to say that slickadmin contributed 15 entries already.
As a teacher, Julie Peck is always learning. The educational director of professional Feldenkrais training programs across Australia, Julie is endlessly curious about the explorations and discoveries she continues to make through the Feldenkrais Method. Julie makes these discoveries by working with clients in her Perth-based practice, with students in the training programs, and with […]
We are sad to note Rae’s passing and acknowledge her wonderful contribution to the Feldenkrais Community. We are leaving this article online as a tribute to her and her work. For decades, two practices have been central to Rae Martin’s life: one is being in the water and the other is the Feldenkrais Method. It’s […]
Brad Thompson has spent much of his adult life consciously exploring movement, first through Chinese martial arts, then the Feldenkrais Method. However, in Brad’s world, the two are “the same entity, just the other side of the coin”. This may not be surprising when you understand that Moshe Feldenkrais created the Method on a foundation […]
Working with children and the Feldenkrais Method, Louise Rothols has the pleasure of experiencing “aha” moments – moments of deep, embodied, spontaneous learning. Speaking from her Melbourne-based practice, Louise describes one such moment that’s happened just this day. A child diagnosed with left hemiplegia – no functional use of his left arm – came to […]
Students joined the Professional Training Program for many different reasons. Some came because of their own pain or limitations, or because they wanted more from life than sitting at a desk. Some recognised the Feldenkrais Method as an effective toolkit for assisting others to make the most of their options and some finally had the […]
The human mind is notorious for playing tricks on us, but the body doesn’t lie. That’s among the reasons why Chani Grieve and Andy McIntosh have headed down a path that combines meditation practice with the Feldenkrais Method. The couple, based near Bellingen on the mid-north NSW coast, graduated from the Melbourne 4 Feldenkrais training […]
As Head of Voice at Melbourne University and accomplished vocalist, Stephen Grant has many roles to play in professional life. But one thing common to everything he does is the Feldenkrais Method. The Practical Anatomy course that he co-teaches to voice students at Melbourne University includes 12 weeks of Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons. However, […]
Stephanie Spink knows about pain – musculoskeletal pain, chronic pain, psychological pain – and the pain of letting go. Among those who refer to her busy Melbourne-based practice are GPs, neurologists, rheumatologists, and psychologists. “There is a much broader cross-section of the medical community that has started recognising the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method,” Stephanie […]
“I decided to be a teacher when I was a teenager – that’s the common link to everything,” Zoran Kovich says. Zoran’s career has led him onto the stage as a dancer with the Australian Opera, into martial arts, through the study of cognitive science, the teaching of somatics and anatomy at universities, and into […]