Latest Past Events

Your place: ATM of the Air 2023 series 2

Your Place

Join Jenni Evans online for 8 Tuesday evenings. Participate in engaging and helpful Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons, from the comfort of your own home. You can see and hear Jenni and communicate with her during the lessons. She is happy to answer any questions and assist you to adapt the lesson if necessary. Lessons […]


Melbourne: Laying the foundations of strength – dynamic balance

Southern School of Yoga 24 Station Street, Moorabbin

A Feldenkrais workshop with Ruth Frommer The first of a series of workshops focussing on building strength. Discover how by developing your connection with the ground you can improve your stability, feel more balanced and stronger. This workshop will cover an exciting array of  Awareness Through Movement®  lessons and insights on the importance of balance […]


Clunes NNSW: Balance in Action

Clunes Coronation Hall 22 Walker Street, Clunes

A Feldenkrais workshop with Janet Auret True balance is not static. Bracing, fixing your gaze and holding your breath are not sustainable. True balance means you are ready to move in any direction at any given moment with freedom and confidence. Come and find out what your body can do if you put your mind […]
