Based on Dr Moshe Feldenkrais’ popular book Awareness Through Movement, this innovative new program offers an engaging and useful introduction to the Feldenkrais Method.
During these 4 days you will have the chance to engage deeply with the basic ideas and concepts of the work. You will immerse yourself in Awareness Through Movement – giving you a much clearer appreciation of your own capacity to move with ease and elegance.
Through following the movements of your colleagues with your eyes and hands you will also gain a greater understanding of the range of human movement. As each informs the other, you will discover useful ways of expanding your range of comfort, learn skills to take back into your workplace and gain insights to what is possible when you start from the premise that everyone can improve.
This program is ideal as a stand alone personal or professional development opportunity or as your entry into a professional Practitioner Training Program.
This program has been offered in many cities around Australia during the past 2 years and will continue in 2018. It carries credits towards Feldenkrais Institute of Australia, Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs. See Event List and click on the title for more details for each location and to make a booking.
Nth NSW Clunes: May 20-23
Melbourne: May 22/23 2021 (short form)
Brisbane: July31/1 August (short form)
After Rose attended one of the Workshops she wrote:
“I feel happier being me.
Perhaps because I now understand a bit more of myself.
And am appreciative for what it is capable of doing.
With a greater sense of myself physically in space,
And a sense of lightness emotionally,
I am grateful,
And enriched by the beautiful group of people I met, and of course by our inspiring teacher.”