In this introductory Feldenkrais workshop you will discover a unique perspective on language and learning. You will have the opportunity to learn an effective way of thinking about movement as the very ‘expression’ of life.
Well before an infant develops spoken language, her thoughts and feelings are expressed through the process of developmental movement and through body language, verbal and non-verbal, as the medium for communication.
Together we will explore the movement experience of a baby self-learning body mapping. You will experience how an infant creates her own map and spatial language despite not yet understanding what she feels is part of her own body.
Learning through feedback from the muscles, tendons and joints of the body provides awareness of where the body begins and ends in space. You will have the movement experience of feeling touch through exploring lying on the floor, as well as experiencing how to use touch to re-create spatial mapping for your child.
Workshop Presenters:
Louise Rothols is a Feldenkrais Method practitioner with 12 years’ experience working with children. She also practices the Anat Baniel Method for Children and the Child’Space Method for developmental monitoring.
Jenni Evans is a Feldenkrais Method Assistant Trainer and experienced practitioner who has had some 20 years working with people of all ages – helping them to move better.
You will learn a simple, effective hands-on approach to enhance your interaction and quality of contact with your child. Inquiries to Jenni 03 9737 9945 or
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