An introductory course for Practitioners and Students of Somatic Education, Professional & Student Musicians, & Psychotherapists. Optimized for participants located in North America & the Antipodes.
Listening with Your Whole BodyTM is an innovative, integrative approach to improvement of the auditory sense, developed and taught by David Kaetz, Canadian musician and Feldenkrais practitioner. As the Feldenkrais® Method seeks to transform habitual movement patterns with awareness, in this course we use awareness to transform habitual ways of listening (or not listening). A shift in the locus, manner, and attitude of listening leads to surprising improvements in the quality of hearing, opening new doors to relationship with oneself, with others, with nature, and with music.
The scientific, aesthetic and philosophical premises of this work can be found in David’s book (available in the Antipodes through feldebiz, and in North America through The Feldenkrais Store and Feldenkrais Resources), entitled Listening with Your Whole Body.
The course involves a series of exercises—some more active, some more meditative—in sitting, lying, and standing—some using the voice, some not. We listen at intervals to music samples to observe how the auditory experience develops and evolves with changes in body/mind. There are opportunities to ask questions and discuss what has happened for you and within you in the course of the lessons. Group interaction remains an important part of the on-line experience. To optimize the on-line learning environment, a technical rehearsal is organized before we start. External monitors or speakers are recommended.
The course consists of seven 2.5 hour ZOOM classes plus a technical rehearsal. Altogether, there are eight meetings over a span of 6 weeks. This course will be taught in English.
The schedule (subject to fine adjustment) looks like this:
The technical rehearsal:
North America: Tuesday, May 4.
The Antipodes, Wednesday, May 5.
The 7 classes:
North America, 6 consecutive Wednesdays, starting May 5th, with a seventh session on Thursday, June 10.
The Antipodes, 6 consecutive Thursdays, starting May 6th, with a seventh session on Friday, June 11.
The start times, depending on where you are:
4 pm on the west coast of North America
6 pm Central time (Chicago, Winnipeg)
7 pm Eastern time (Boston, NYC, Toronto, Montreal)
8 pm Atlantic time (Maritime provinces) And (+ 1 day)
8 am in Perth
9 am in Kyoto
11 am in Melbourne
1 pm in Auckland
The cost for the course is $360 Canadian Dollars (CAD). Payment method and detailed information on software and hardware requirements will be covered in a letter to interested parties. Individual lessons are also available.
If you are interested, please let me know at this address at your earliest convenience:
Take Good Care, David Kaetz