Moving from your centre and reconnecting to your centre
Early developmental movement patterns underlie all adult movement. In this experiential series of developmental movement explorations we will look at the essential infant movement patterns and discover how this movement progression directly influences a baby’s motor learning.
These lessons can also take adults back to re-experience the movements, sensations and mind of the unfolding early patterns.
As infants we all started with a foundation of ‘how to move’. These movement image patterns were in our brain waiting to be tapped into. Now even as grown-ups we potentially have the possibility to still access our ‘inner-potential’.
Doing these lessons opens us up to the possibility we had as babies as there is in our make-up the chance to complete the movement process by filling in, strengthening and reintegrating this process to enhance earlier body-mind connections.
In this workshop, you will gain an understanding of a baby’s process of self-motivated learning. By doing so you can tune in to your own unfolded story and be surprised about how much more there is to learn about your own ‘self-image’.
You will also do some guided hands-on learning where you can play with a ‘new’ movement, and feel confident to map this pattern with your hands.
If you are working with children, this lesson may assist your understanding of where the movement sequence of this lesson fits in relation to a child’s developmental sequence and how it underpins and sets the scene for later postural development.
This workshop is for parents, parents-to-be, grandparents, caregivers, child-care professionals, Feldenkrais practitioners and anyone else who has an interest in movement re-education.
Your workshop leaders are Louise Rothols and Jenni Evans
Louise is experienced in working with both adults and children, and has specialised in child development and working with children for over 14 years. As well as being a Feldenkrais practitioner, Louise has trained with Anat Baniel in her ABM Child Mastery Program and has completed Dr. Chava Shelhav’s Child’Space Method for Developmental Monitoring for infants from birth to independent walking.
Jenni is a Feldenkrais Method Assistant Trainer and experienced practitioner who has had some 20 years working with people of all ages – helping them to move better and get more out of life.
Inquiries to Jenni 03 9737 9945 or
Online bookings here: