Segment 8 Learning Activities

SEAUS Year 2 Segment 8 Learning Activities

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Lessons: 07-side-lying-sliding-arms-and-legs-to-improve-ability-to-lift-head-on-side-gaby





Normally as this is the end of the year, and I realise that it is good to have a break at times, I would not be giving you any specific activities to do. However, as you have another ATM practicum with the General Public in January, you will need to prepare another ATM to teach.

The lessons you will be choosing from are – The San Francisco Evening Class Notes 1977-1978 by Mia Segal and Gaby Yaron, both of whom where in Feldenkrais’ original Israeli Training.

I have chosen lessons that have different movement themes to those in the ATM book. They are –
1. Lesson 7 – On Side, Sliding arms and legs to improve ability to lift head
2. Lesson 10 – Shoulder/Hip Circles on the Side
3. Lesson 11 – On Back, Lifting Hip to Lengthen Opposite Arm
4. Lesson 12 – Tilting on Knee on Back – Connecting to Arms above the Head.
5. Lesson 14 – Diagonal Extension of Arms and Legs on Back and Stomach.

Each of you can choose any one of the above lessons to teach next segment – they will all be available on the KnowledgeBase).
******Jenni is currently organising to see if she can do a bulk order of these transcripts – there are 26 lessons all together which are all suitable for teaching in your classes. I would highly recommend you buying them as a teaching resource

I would encourage you to find a buddy who is teaching the same lesson, so that you can share your experience of doing, preparing and teaching the lesson.
I would also encourage you to do all of the lessons before you come to the January segment, as it will probably allow your learning experience to be richer when we discuss the different lessons.

It was wonderful to see over the last segment how you all progressed in your ATM teaching. I realise that you are all at different stages in your ongoing learning process as ATM teachers. Accept where you are in a non-judgemental way, and simply continue your process of curiosity, questioning, consolidating and refining your skills.

From my general observations, and your feedback of where you are and what you feel you need more practice/help with, the areas you as a general group feel you need more practice with are – understanding the lesson, and making the lesson meaningful and relevant. We will cover these areas in more detail next segment, as well of course, as still considering all the attributes you need to feel more competent in your ATM teaching practice.

As the lessons do not include an intro to what the lesson is about, or the organisation that may be evoked (as in the ATM Book) it will be up to you from your understanding of the lesson, to decide what your learning intentions are for the participants in the lesson you are teaching, and what success criteria you will use to assess. Also how you feel you can make the learning meaningful and relevant for the participants – what can they take from the lesson that they can utilise in their daily life – in thinking, sensing, feeling, and moving.

We will once again do two ATM teaching processes within the segment –
1. ATM TEACHING PROCESS 1 – to be done in the first few days of Week 1
You will teach your ATM to 2 other members of the training.

2. ATM TEACHING PROCESS 2 (to be done in the 2nd week of the segment)
******start thinking of people you can invite along to be part of the process NOW********
Individually, teach the same ATM to a group of people, including people from the general public and fellow students.
Find your process of preparing for this teaching that you feel enhances your learning –
• Find your personal learning intentions for this process, and work out what are the criteria you will use to assess your progress
• Be curious and explore how you can find more comfort/ease/lightness in the process
• What attributes of your teaching do you feel you want to explore more; both those you already do well, and those you struggle with
• How can you explore some of these attributes in your personal ATM practice
• How does doing a full ATM lesson in your own practice, going to group class, or exploring a few moves on your own, contribute different aspects to the qualities you need to develop in your ATM practice
• REMEMBER videoing yourself teaching, observing yourself teaching, and doing the lesson as you teach it on video, can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and learning.

You may also want to revise the ideas I gave you in the Seg 7 Learning Activity notes, and go through the ATM Teaching Components list to give you more ideas of what you can explore.


As this is the end of the 2nd year, you do not have to send a learning journal in this time.

A reminder that your learning group leaders are here to have a chat, answer questions, or simply to hear how you are going – simply contact us at any time.

Enjoy the continuing learning…………………………..